Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thyroid Android

So I've been diagnosed with Thyroid Disease (along with 11 million other Americans). I am the HYPOthyroid type, which apparently means my thyroid is underproducing OR not enough of the T4 is being turned into T3 - an iodine issue. My doctor insists I go to the nuclear department of a hospital to get an Iodine Uptake Scan. From what I understand, you swallow a small dose of RADIOACTIVE iodine. Ok, so my body is not functioning properly and you want me to put something radioactive inside of it? Ah, the brilliance of western medicine. But it's safe, they insist. In fact, it's so safe you have to sign a consent form stating that you understand that cellular damage can take place, even from the small radioactive dose they plan to give you. And it takes 24 hours for you to pee it all out, so it has 24 hours to work its destructive magic on your body. Not to mention that when you do pee you have to wash your hands more thoroughly than you ever have before so you don't become some pariah of radioactivity, spreading it to everyone and everything you touch. Its like the creation of a comic book all started with a simple radioactive iodine scan, but after her cat got some radioactive pee splahshed on it during a horrible trucking accident he became RINGO THE WONDER KITTY! Faster than a speeding bullet, strong enough to stop trains, equipped with ESP! That'd be kind of cool. Maybe I will go get the test, haha.

1 comment:

ENOUGH...Vote for Obama said...

The radioactive gas from the dye makes it all the better!