Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Spiritual War for Freedom and Peace

So last night I had the joy of experiencing Matisyahu and the Flobots from the FRONT ROW in the pit of Club Nokia. It was an amazingly spiritual experience unique to the dynamic of these bands (Chester French played too, but they seemed out of place and I wasn’t too fond of their music).

I’ve only ever heard the Flobots Handlebars song on the radio so I wasn’t too sure what to expect from their music. Boy was I blown away. It was like Rage Against The Machine had a group of little brothers and passed the torch, teaching them how to rock the politico of this era. Their messages were positive and their lyrics were well informed sparking the hope of change for the better. They spoke of fighting this war with our god given tools and talents, like true artistic soldiers!

Matisyahu’s spiritualism and depth gave power and solidity to the hope Flobots instilled in the crowd. The talent of him and his band never ceases to amaze me. He also had many very talented guests perform tidbits with him, including Mackenzie, the bad ass (hottie) fiddler from Flobots. She impressively worked the crowd with pure talent, free of any show stopping antics. Moved by Matisyahu, I couldn’t help but keep my hands in the air, absorbing his positive vibes. His music is like feeling rays of sunshine on your face through a cool breeze. Closing my eyes, as the stage lights poured over the audience, I couldn’t help but feel as though I was transported to a field, with the sun beating down on me, and all of the crowd seemed to fade away (even though the sold out house was jam packed and I got my ass touched more times in one night than in all my dating years). Matis’s power is truly a god given talent and I am thankful that I got to share that with each an every one of the people in the theatre that night.

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